Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Only Believe."

Teva'd feet on moonlit grass...
Memorizing and avoiding the "ant trails"...
Scurryings in palm trees...
River lapping on the shore...
Gentle jungle breeze playing around the rooftops...

That's what full moons (even here in Tennessee) remind me of. 

Peru...why is my heart still there, five years later, when my friends have come back Stateside and there is no apparent way for me to get there? I have made mistakes, no two ways about it; but have those mistakes barred every way there? Lord, don't let it be so!

I drove home from the barn on Thursday night and the almost-full "supermoon" was hanging large over the hay fields. I wasn't even consciously praying--just tossing questions and thoughts around in my mind--when of a sudden I remembered the story we had just read for family worship. Jairus. 

(Mark 5 if you want to read the whole thing.)

But mostly it was verse 36 that God brought home to my lonely, confused, and baffled little heart: 

"...overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, 'Do not fear; only believe.'"

They said it was impossible. She is dead. Don't trouble the Teacher any more. You've already made enough of a fool of yourself. 

But He said, "Only believe." 

Only believe. 

And so I do.

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