Thursday, July 31, 2014

Boundaries: A Question

Some boundaries are good.

Flowers bloom, produce seeds--and then stalk fades, plant ceases to bloom, and does (apparently) nothing for rest of the year.

Trees drop leaves and are dormant through winter. Some can't even produce fruit without that dormant phase.

Ocean and river ebb and flow and stay (mostly) within bounds--when they overflow, we all run to higher ground.

Jesus told His disciples to "come away and rest a while."

But, some boundaries are bad.

Wild animals are fearful, even dangerous when we get too close.

Friends take time away and soon there's no longer much of a friendship at all.

We put up mental "walls" against ideas, against people, against thoughts--and soon discover a prison of our own making.

Jesus praised the lavish giver, the one who poured out without counting the cost.

How can one know the difference?


Michelle said...

Good question. We only know through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Briana said...

I think you are so right! It's just something I've been puzzling over lately. :)