Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Here and Spring Pictures!! :)

Today I got outside and took some pictures of the lovely flowers that are showing up around our house at last! They have just started coming out this week and I am past thrilled to see them!

Life here has been very crazy; I have been running around like the proverbial chicken trying to keep up with school, work, life here at home, getting ready for college, and preparing to leave on a mission trip to Arizona this Thursday.

So it's quite nice to get outside and see the flowers, hear the birds, and feel the warm spring breezes. Makes me happy I live a mile and a half from my job and get to walk home three days a week! :) But almost even better is getting pictures of spring!

Courage to everyone in more northerly climates...just hold on and this, too, will be yours in a few weeks or months! :D For now, it's off with me to northern Arizona, where the highs will be somewhere in the 50s and we might get snow...hmmm, I suppose it will make me appreciate this more when I get back!

And these pictures are all "un-Photoshopped" too. I think I begin to get the hang of this! ;)

1 comment:

TN Quiltbug said...

Beautiful, beautiful flower pictures! Thanks so much for sharing! And I can't remember if I have told you this before, but I absolutely LOVE your poem "My Confidence" that you have on your sidebar...