Sunday, January 16, 2011

On Writing

(Florida beach)

Changing the title of this blog has me thinking about (what else?) writing. I love to write. I have been "writing," either on paper, on a computer, or with my voice (telling stories) for as long as I can remember. I discovered poetry sometime early in my high school career and it has been a lifesaver for me since then. I love stories, editing other people's work, and letters. I love e-mails and websites and Facebook. I enjoy articles, but only if I can write them semi-creatively!

But I need to write more. Like my Spanish language learning and my harp practice, I won't write decently if I don't write often.

So I am devising a scheme for keeping myself as accountable as I can be (which, sometimes, is not very accountable in areas like this!) in my hope to write more and write more often. I hope to unveil it in a few days. Until then, I am thinking about entering this challenge...posting one photo every week this year. I found out about it from Annie at Daughter of His Grace. I have some catching up to do, obviously, but I've been posting photos fairly regularly, so it shouldn't be too bad. At least, not till I start working this summer. So okay, it might not be 52 photos for 52 weeks. But I could try! :) I shall start this weekend.

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