Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well Things May Be Quiet...

I will still post from time to time but for a while my life will be taken up with this! Our family is receiving another puppy to raise from Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) and he'll be flying in on Friday! So I'll be busy for a few weeks. :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Random Thoughts

I have been working more on my Bible memorization lately. Memorization has always been comparatively easy for me and a while ago (a couple years) I was impressed that I should probably be using that gift for more than just school! So I started memorizing whole chapters of the Bible. That makes it much easier for me to remember where a text is found...I am horrible at remembering individual texts! If I can memorize a whole chapter, getting the context in that way, it's much much easier to remember!

So I thought I'd share my personal method of memorizing. I like to make up a sheet with the verses marked on it, and the beginning letter of each word. I also include the punctuation. It's a little hard to describe, so here's a (unfortunately not too good) picture:

The slashes mark every two verses. If I'm really "on the ball" I can memorize about two verses a day, so that divides things up more easily. To do the actual memorization, I read the verse two or three times in my Bible, then switch to the sheet and try to do it with only the first-letter "clues." After a few times going over it this way, I can try saying it without looking at anything. I always review the past half-a-dozen verses or so as well, so I don't forget.

Since I'm taking my second year of Spanish this year, I'm also LOVING memorizing chapters in Spanish! So far I'm working on my second Spanish chapter--I Corinthians 13. So cool to learn the same thing in a different language! I'm looking forward to adding French chapters next year!

Well that is all for today, more later. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Poem :)

I write poetry every now and then...well actually pretty frequently...and this is one of my many favorites. :) Reminds me to wait for GOD's plan for my life, and not go running off after something that just looks good, or that everyone else thinks is great.


It shimmers, it gleams
It’s like flames in the night
Every color of the rainbow
Silk-brushed soft feathers

They ran for nets
And set up snares
Arranged lures
Even fought with each other

I stepped away
Just held out my hand
Watched it flit by
From tree to tree

If you come you’re not my captive
Neither will I be yours
Though I love you just like they do
I will never force

You must choose to land
Will you? I don’t know
But the true bird of paradise alights
Only on the open hand.